Thursday, May 07, 2009

Who Says Swimming isn't a Workout???

I'll try coppertone, I'll try.

Well it is officially 105 degrees. That is a frickin' lot of degrees for where I come from!! If I go outside, will my skin burn so badly it'll fall off?? If I forget sunscreen on my neck will I become a redneck?? Can I even GO outside? I think I'll look ridiculous next to all the tan people here...

Maybe if I just get some Coppertone, I'll look like that little tan kid on the label!!

Okay well I'm off to brave the rays at the pool to do some laps after my BRUTAL workout yesterday. "Muscle-Cardio". Holy crap, kicked my butt. Anyways, I am so sore today that anything above floating around in 95 degree water is just absolutely out of the question!! And plus, it is so dang hot out I would never be able to go for a run. So there's my logic.

Swim time!!!

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