Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Rains

If you've ever been to Phoenix, Arizona you know that it is HOT HOT HOT. *insert jamaican song..."feelin hot hot hot"*

But I guess the weather has been feeling a little rebellious lately, maybe it got that from me. Because here's the thing, everyone who talks about the weather here says it's always dry and only rains but two or three times a year. Well you know what? We've only lived here for a little over a month and it has already rained three times!!! Three!

It's actually kind of cool because I've been missing the rainy Washington weather lately. I just loooove the smell of rain in the air; I love how the ground seems satisfied after a good long soak. I love the feel of cold water on my skin when it's 100 degrees outside. Who wouldn't right??

Last night I was in the basement, just minding my own business, when I heard the familiar pitter patter of rain drops on the windows. I thought,

"what is that sound? It's so familiar, but then again so not...i remember...but i don't...pitter patter...hmm, what could that be? is the dryer broken? wait a minute, oh my gosh! is it raining?"

Yes, it took that long for me to make the connection between the sound and the cause of the sound. Sad, I know. I've already lived here too long.

So I ran up the stairs, burst open the front door, and ran out to the grass that was, in fact, wet. My bare feet were absolutely delighted to meet the rain again. It was like a happy reunion between old friends. It's a weird thing to miss, but there you go. I miss the rain. And God gave it to me! It has rained two straight days in a row since then! (it's usually only at night, but still. It's magical.)

Actually yesterday it was overcast and only got up to 80-somethin. After weeks and weeks of 105 and sunny, 80-somethin feels downright chilly! We went out to dinner last night in celebration of my little brothers' graduation from the 8th grade...shout out to my bro! love you!...and I was wearing jeans and a short sleeve sweater thingy. When I got out of the car, I literally got chills and felt like I needed a jacket. I guess I'm finally acclimating! I never thought I would see the day when I felt cold in 80 degree weather. Crazy.

So weather, just keep doing what you're doing.

mmm, rain.

Ireland really is the perfect place for me :)

***Update: the paint in the family room is finally done, all of the cubbies are coated with a nice chocolate brown. The kitchen also got it's wash of color (pale yellow), it looks great. I will put up pictures ASAP!!
Oh, and I got a job! I am now working at the Village Health Club at Verrado doing kids club (watching all the kids while their mommies work out), and hopefully some front desk work. I will also be starting ballet classes at the beginning of June, which i am ultimately excited to teach. I'll also be doing some other kids fitness classes on the side. (I'm doing the happy dance right now)***


Nanny Goats In Panties said...

OK, if you've got the weather's ear, can you tell it to lay off the heat this summer in Sacramento? Come on, one summer. One lousy city. Is that too much too ask?

Blasé said...

Beautiful colors you've painted in your home. Similar to what I did to ours.

Don't know how you found me...but just want to give you a 'heads up' about my Blog. Sometimes my blogs are PG-13. Just sayin'

Peace and Love

Jourdan said...

ha! Well I'm pretty sure I can handle it, but it was nice of you to warn me..if I were twelve or thirteen i would most certainly heed your caution :) i think i found you through another blog i follow, but i can't quite remember who!

Thanks for stoppin by,